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1. Lecture on "Immunity".
2. Lecture on "Massage and Manual Therapy".
3. Lecture on "Secret of Your Success and Wellbeing".
4. Lecture on "Why does a person loose Power, Health, Good Fortune".
5. Lecture on "Healing With Ayurvedic Herbs".


Secret of your Success and Wellbeing

           Some people may be healthy but not fortunate, without success. Their families and business are ruined quite unexpectedly. Conflict situations arise. Why? What is the reason?
           That’s why the energy of luck does not belong to anybody.
           Its territory is neither yours, nor anybody else’s.  Every person is on some neutral territory.
           Good Fortune – this energy is located beyond of time. Its
amount is limited! It is attracted to those who take care of his health, harmonic being against surrounding world and the people. The Good Fortune comes to the people, who are watch- and careful, can wait and be resourceful.
           When you see your plans being destructed, your family ruined or you start losing your health, urgent measures should be taken.
           You need a consultation: whether somebody has bedeviled
оr put an evil eye on you.

           If you are sure to be evil eyed, do not postpone your visit to the consulting room of “People’s Healer”.

Since evil eye is an extremely negative vibration inside your organism, it can destroy all your life and your dreams at last. It must be removed. You must get rid of it. And everything will be normal again. It has been proved by praxis.


Sincerely, your healer, Svetlana.



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