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Treatment by ayurvedic herbs

           Ayurveda is a science about life, which essence consists in harmony of the man with a nature and his unity from the universe.

Agrees Ayurveda of spice and herbs not only facilitate mastering food, but also have curative properties. If regularly to fill food with the appropriate spices it is possible once and for all to get rid of many illnesses. For example, king of spices, saffron - perfect tonic means. At the regular use in food it gives energy, and also strengthens heart, cures illnesses of nervous system, helps at a ulcer of a stomach. Ferula asafoetida and fennel, are good for preventive maintenance and treatment of diseases  of a stomach-bowels path. They quickly and effectively remove spasms and pain. Ginger - the best means at catarrhal diseases, and turmeric, besides miracle of anticeptic properties, perfectly clears blood and will make velvety and soft any skin. Nutmeg is effective at illnesses of a liver and spleen, and also has calming property and causes natural dream even at a chronic stage of a sleeplessness.

Frequently usual products, which we use in food, can provoke a negative effect for body, and remove it, it is necessary simply add in meal spices and herbs which so rich with nature.

I shall bring, as the table, some products, which are desirable for using with spices.



Milk, ice-cream, cream Increase quantity of slime in body, are difficultly acquired, give weight, cause sleepy, reduce of appetite, cool body, increase propensity to catarrhal diseases. Cinnamon, Cardamom, Cloves
Cheese, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yoghurt Increase quantity of slime in organism, create obstruction, cause thirst, heartburn, pollute blood, raise acidity, promote ulcer diseases Black pepper, red pepper, curry, caraway seeds, ginger


Wheat (white bread) Increases slime, dulls of feeling, causes slippiness, increases of weight. cardamom, caraway seeds, ginger
oats Increases slime, raises inertness, strengthens slackness and weight, causes slippiness, reduces reaction of wit. curry, black mustard, caraway seeds


potatoes Forms gases, raises nervous system, dries a skin, increases fragility of bones clove, cardamom, caraway seeds, coriander, mustard
cabbage Forms gases, is difficultly acquired, raises nervousness, increases dryness fennel, caraway seeds, clove


Sugar, sweet, cakes Pollute blood, create obstructions, increase of weight, promote development of diabetes ginger, curry

A little who knows, that with the help of spices and herbs, it is possible to impart positive character traits, to remove negative or, undesirable, emotion. I want stress attention directly on spices, as on easily accessible to each man, natural components.

Fear, anxiety, overstrain
cardamom, cinnamon, clove, caraway seeds, mustard
Anger, hatred, envy cumin, coriander, saffron, curry, fennel
Indecision, greed, propensity to depressions Black and red pepper, cardamom, clove, caraway seeds, ginger, curry

Speed of reaction, vivacity of imagination ginger, cinnamon, red pepper
Good memory, acuteness of wit, intelligence tamarind, red and black pepper, ginger, clove
Stability, vigour, tenderness, kindness, love, compassion coriander, saffron, curry, fennel

Into my recipes enters from 15 up to 55 kinds counterfoil, seeds, herbs and spices, which are necessary for treatment of various diseases.

Sincerely, your healer, Svetlana.



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